Brand Identity
Simonna Mía is a restaurant located in Masaryk, Polanco, a well known area in Mexico City and one of the most popular avenues in the country. It is a restaurant that offers a variety of dishes but highlights their steak and pasta. We were given the opportunity to create their brand identity and wrap the essence of this new hot spot in the city.
A journey into culture, the past and a fusion of gastronomic delights with a twist of modernity. We worked towards the goal of creating a space that transforms the way we experience Italian food by taking into account all the senses that spark our attention by visiting a restaurant or even the previous moment, that of desiring to do so.
Under the concept The Capsule, we explored a graphic atmosphere that evokes exclusivity with a vibrant touch. Inspired by the classic movements and shapes found in classic Italian typography, we designed a logo that captures that in a contemporary environment.
With a broad typographic system and color palette with red and green tones (giving the brand a sense of Italian-Mexican origin), it brings the concept to the present in a dynamic and innovative way. We created a simple but flexible and efficient graphic system, whose design work perfectly for different communication applications.